The application of multi-omics data integration to analyze heat stress in cattle

investigators: B. Czech, J. Szyda

Project description

The aim of this project is to analyze different cattle samples analyzed by high throughput technologies and integrate them to investigate the genetic background of heat stress in cattle. The project comprises the analysis of genome, transcriptome, microbiome, and metabolome data obtained with NGS and mass spectrometry technologies.



B. Czech, K. Wang, S. Chen, Y. Wang, J. Szyda. Faecal microbiota and their association with heat stress in Bos taurus

B. Czech, K. Wang, S. Chen, Y. Wang, J. Szyda. Challenges of 16S rRNA gene analysis in Chinese Holstein cows under heat stress condition

J. Szyda, B. Czech, K. Wang, S. Chen, Y. Wang. The application of mixed linear models for the analysis of microbiome influence on heat stress in Chinese Holstein cows.

Video here

B. Czech, J. Szyda, K. Wang, S. Chen, Y. Wang. The effect of pipelines and databases on the analysis of the fecal microbiota of dairy cattle.

Video here